If you travel internationally or domestically for business and do not have the time or resources to devote to your waxing operation then we can help. We can aid and assist in the repair of wax machines both old style and new. 

Maybe your cooling process of the boxes needs improvement? Or perhaps the actual wax you are using is the wrong blend or being applied wrong? We can help! You will see an improvement on the coating of wax your customers’ boxes receive and see future orders placed as a result.

We can also help streamline your current process to help maximize production. Something as simple as reconfiguring where or how your tank is heating the wax can help cut heating costs dramatically.  We can also design and reconfigure your electrical components When you use our services you also get our consultation. We are simply a phone call away.

Flamm Industries

Flamm Industries
1313 Haines Street
Jacksonville, FL 32206
Phone: (904) 356-2876

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